Are you sick of dead end situationships and datingships that end in disappointment?
Are you just about frustrated & fed up with men and modern dating?
Are you ready to become the woman that the man you're praying for is looking for?
Realizing that you want to work on you and become a better woman instead of feeling as if you need to settle in dating and love?
If you answered yes to any of those, I have exactly what you need. Yes, NEED! It’s time to prepare so your lonely nights can come to an end. Because I understand and I've been there. I've "dated down" telling myself that my current circumstances didn't allow me to expect more from a man. I used tricks, schemes, sex, lies, and manipulation over the years. But I was only left lonely, angry, depleted, used, and, truth be told, still single.
Interestingly, I had always held firm to Habakkuk 2:2 that reads, “write the vision, and make it plain.” Thinking all I had to was write what I wanted in a man and a relationship. Write what I wanted to see happen in the dating stages. Write what I envisioned, and trust that, though it tarry, wait for it. Because that’s what the Bible says right?
This scripture is about writing the vision that God reveals. Writing what He wants to see happen. Writing the vision that comes from His word. The vision should be spirit-led and God-honoring.
So, I changed the vision for my love life and I’m still in awe as I get to live it out. But I now have a vision for single Christian women around the world.
My vision shows healed, happy, healthy women that start by being content in their singleness.
My vision shows these women putting down selfishness and becoming selfless.
My vision shows women that know how to offer a truce, understanding, and grace to men.
My vision is women who have intentional dating skills that are necessary for them to WIN!
My vision is women who learn to give love and receive love. Real love!
My vision is a community of women who can emphatically declare, “We will win!”
Because we will!
What I now offer is a way to tie my life, dating, and relationship coaching skills and knowledge altogether to help women like you. Because it was only after helping myself that I found love! I merged TSI and New Love Language material and formats to create transformational modules and courses to help you prepare while you pray. Enter in the N2L Community!
Revamped. Redone. Redefined!
I want to help you brick-by-brick build a new love language!
What I know is that we honor God’s love, self-love, and romantic love with the way we handle certain things. The things (12 things exactly) that God deems to be the standard for Christian women and wives. So N2L is an at-your-leisure program that promises to take you from mess to marriage material, sis. When you can be honest and say, "I have things to work on so I can be an asset to a relationship and not a liability," that's BIG! We all want to win at love. And I'm going to help you with that, too. But let's first do things in order. Because your way hasn't been working.
Mine wasn’t either at one point.
Girl, I have been where you are! I can assure you that I was in the same boat for years. Yes, years! I tried online dating, praying, listening to the advice of other men, fasting, bargaining with God, the whole 9. I recall having sex to keep a man and foregoing sex to be rewarded with a husband. I read the books, watched the videos, did the work, and still NOTHING. So, without a doubt, I am your “me-too person.” Everything you’re feeling? Me too! I get it, 100%. But there was something that I was missing…
I had not found peace in my singleness.
I had no idea what love truly was (especially since I didn’t know how to love myself).
I had not healed from the past, as I was repeating the unhealthy cycles.
I wanted marriage for all the wrong reasons.
I wasn’t always making the best financial decisions.
I didn’t communicate very well.
I was using sex as a proverbial weapon but only killing myself.
The list. Goes. On!
"So what is N2L and what do I get?"
N2L provides modules based on a critical, topical course EVERY month that will help you in a specific area. On the first Monday of each month, a new course unlocks in your account to move you further along in your journey. These self-paced courses will help you with everything from healing to finances, from purpose to dating, from sex to self-discovery!
N2L will help you rebuild the way you are love, do love, and be love! It will demolish all that you thought you knew in the process. I’m going to take you from broken to better. From frustrated to fearless. From annoyed to amazed. I’m going to help you become the woman that the man you’re praying for is looking for. You’re going to walk away with a newfound love language so you can truly be ready for the man that deserves you.
This is a NO-COMMITMENT enrollment meaning you can cancel your membership at any time. No questions. No issues. No haggle.
Stay enrolled for the entire year and you’ll:
*Learn how your relationship with God can actually help you overcome your "need" for a man (the flesh can get in the way of your decision-making, which is why you have to listen to your spirit instead. I'll show you how)!
*Determine what to do when those late-night text messages come in and you feel the urge to respond (those are your most vulnerable hours, and men who mean you no good know that)!
*Learn where the loneliness stems from (what is causing you to feel that "need"? Why can't you shake that desire for love, for sex, for a body - any body? I will help you uncover the root of your loneliness.)!
*Discover why sex is used as manipulation while single and married (Did you know sex could be a weapon? It can, and it often is. Learn how stop playing this dangerous game)!
*Learn what it truly means to be a woman and how you can use that to your advantage even now (as a woman, you are a powerful, influential being, and your presence in a relationship matters. But only if you know your power. Let me teach you)!
*Learn what’s meant by a husband being the “provider and protector” and how you should apply that to men in this season (You, like me, probably misunderstood that whole "independent woman" thing. It's time to unlearn the lies and re-position yourself, my dear.)!
*See what submission actually means and how to be a godly wife (There’s even a key to remembering all this while single and dating. I’m helping with this as well)!
*Learn how to handle the feelings of loneliness, rejection and insecurity (these are the feelings that cause single women to rush into dysfunction – not anymore!)
You’re also going to learn important communication and relationship skills, uncover who you are to the core, take a road to contentment, learn your spiritual gifts, get on track financially, and more!
If you're ready to work while you wait, then this is what you've been waiting for! Again, it's all self-paced, so I won't be breathing down your neck (unless you become an Alumni member and want the added accountability). The cool part? Each month you’ll get branded merchandise delivered to your house to inspire and motivate you in this season as long as your enrollment is active. Yessss! Not to mention, I go live bi-weekly in the group. Once for a training video, and another time to hang out with you and answer ANY questions you may have! Sweet!
You're probably thinking this is going to be crazy expensive. NOPE! An investment of only $99/month. And you can opt out whenever you want! Yes, only $99!
Sis, if you have tried most of the dating sites but you’re still single…
If you’ve taken the advice but nothing has worked…
If you’ve prayed and promised to do right yet nothing has changed…
If you know you need help but don’t know where to start…
Then know that N2L has the intel, and it’s thee solution you’ve been waiting on! Let’s destroy all of your previous thoughts, tricks, and gimmicks when it comes to love while you’re dating today. It's time to learn how to love in areas that the Bible deem important, especially as a virtuous wife.
My courses combine my coaching skills to help you reprogram and re-learn everything Kingdom love. It’s all about preparation for a whole new you so you can prepare for the love you deserve. These courses WILL change you - change your mindset, change your habits, change your future. But only IF you show up prepared and come ready to do the work - the work on you. This is a low-cost investment that could pay off for years to come! If you want a new love language, I want to work with you to create it.
“So how does this work, Coach Vee?”
You’re going to get special access to a portal where you’ll log in the 1st Monday of each month to see your class info. You can watch or listen at your leisure, chat with other students, ask questions, etc. You’ll even be given private access to a group with women JUST LIKE YOU! There will be live exclusive trainings and laser coachings as well. Simply because you're now a VIT (Very Important Transformer). You’ll be able to chat and interact with the others, posting, soliciting, and giving advice. Don’t be surprised when you get text messages from me, also.
It's time to get the work done and be proactive in this season of your life. The work is up to you. The only promise I make is that I HELP WOMEN WIN AT LOVE!
Are you ready to become?
Select your option by subscribing below and you're in! Simple as that. The PayPal email address will be used to enroll you to my teaching platform, if you’re not already a student. Wait at least 24 hours for your registration email from Thinkific, and you're in. Your digital course will be uploaded to your Thinkific account on the 1st Monday of each month. Simply login to your account and do the work. Remember, you can cancel at any time for any reason, no questions asked. Your product of the month will be shipped out at the top of each month as long as your account is still active. It's your responsibility to ensure that I have the correct mailing address on file for your physical products.
Ready to do this? Join so you can be a part of the “We Will Win” community! You can also subscribe directly via the teaching platform here.

"Overthinking has plagued me for YEARS when it comes to men. Now I know why. No more overthinking! Yes! Thanks! This was awesome!" S. Brooks
"Whew! The class on giving respect was great" K. Stribling
"I now know that we are the variable in receiving the blessings God has for us. Whether we're the contributor or the hinderance. My God. Good stuff!" I. Brown
Save between 33-40% when you purchase the 12-month program at once!